Who is advertising on the Odnoklassniki social network suitable for?

Odnoklassniki (OK.ru) is a Russian social network owned by VK. As of May 2022, the 50th most popular site in the world. The project was launched on March 26, 2006. Advertising in social networks, and specifically advertising in Odnoklassniki, allows you to clearly and effectively influence the target audience of your potential customers.

But many people ask the question of the audience in this social network and what products will be effectively sold there? We would like to analyze it and put data in the following way. 

Let’s take a look at the numbers. Here are the numbers that confirm the promise of this platform:

  • Odniklassniki unites 43 million users throughout Russia;
  • The largest age segments are people aged 25-30 (25% of the audience) and 35-44 (28%). This is the most active and solvent audience;
  • Most of users access the social network from mobile devices. 64% of the audience enters Odniklassniki only from smartphones, and another 20% of users use both mobile devices and desktops for this;
  • 85% of users access the social network from Android mobile devices.
Information taken from the internal blog of the Odnoklassniki platform
Information taken from the internal blog of the Odnoklassniki platform

From the above, we conclude that the Odniklassniki audience is quite diverse in terms of their interests, income levels and occupations. This allows advertisers to easily find potential buyers among the users of this social network. In addition, a significant plus is lower competition than in Vkontakte. At the same time, Odnoklassniki most often advertises local businesses, rather than large well-known brands.

In addition, not only users from Russia and the CIS countries enter Odnoklassniki. According to the internal data of the social network for 2018, among the users of the social network there are also residents of Germany, France, Great Britain and other countries.

Information taken from the internal blog of the Odnoklassniki platform

Advertising opportunities of Odnoklassniki for small businesses

In the advertising account, materials are available for those who are just starting to work with the platform:

  • free training video course on advertising in OK;
  • useful content for business development;
  • cases with inspiring examples of how different companies achieved their goals with the help of advertising in OK.

The audience of Odnoklassniki is adult, solvent people, which means that they can and should be sold. If we talk about the older segment (50-60 years old), you can also work successfully with these people if you know the right approach. In addition, a small percentage of underage users makes it possible to practically cut off an insolvent audience.

A wide range of advertising tools allows you to optimize advertising:

  • Advertising account for launching campaigns directly through the social network;
  • “SuperGeo” – the ability to set up geotargeting with a radius of 500 m to 10 km in the advertising account of the social network;
  • Playable Ads format for promoting mobile games and applications;
  • Support for vertical mobile videos in ads.

Also the interests of the audience – women aged 25-44 are interested in beauty and health, business education, books, pregnancy and childbirth. Men of the same age – mopeds, scooters and premium cars. Best of all, To put it briefly, Odnoklassniki sells advertising for goods whose purchase covers the needs of the end buyer. In addition, there is less competition with big brands in Odnoklassniki, so local or small brands win here. Based on our experience, dietary supplements, creams work best through this social network – everything related to health and its rejuvenation, based on an analysis of the audience, this niche will work effectively.