Adsterra is a modern and vibrant ad network

Adsterra is a modern and vibrant ad network geared towards working with current offers. It is easy to use and with its help it is extremely easy to reach an interested audience that will show outstanding results in conversions of any type of offer.

Adsterra is a powerful ad platform for brands, agencies, solo marketers, and media buyers. With over 20 targeting settings, you deliver your ads to the best-matching audiences. Unlock high-quality CPM, CPC, and CPA traffic from 20K+ direct publishers.

Adsterra is a worldwide advertising network founded in 2013 by a team of internet marketers and webmasters with over 20 years of experience. It delivers over 1 billion impressions daily. One of the features of this ad network and one of the reasons for its attractiveness for affiliates is the emphasis on CPA campaigns.

When it comes to making money from VPNs, Utilities, Mobile Subscriptions, Sweeps, Dating Scams – and a bunch of other verticals – it’s hard to find a better option than Adsterra.

In addition, this is one of the few advertising networks that publishes relevant cases that demonstrate exactly how top arbitrageurs make money on the platform.


  • Excellent choice of advertising formats;
  • Ability to spin offers on adult traffic;
  • Excellent targeting capabilities;
  • caring support;
  • Convenient payment methods;
  • World coverage.


  • Some payment methods require identity verification;
  • No demographic targeting.

What advertising formats are available in Adsterra?

Popunder is a pop-up banner that is displayed on the site automatically. If the user tries to close one promotional offer, a new one will appear in front of him. This format accounts for 1.3+ billion impressions per week, it is suitable for promoting utilities, subscriptions, software, dating and gambling.

Web push – classic push notifications that require a user subscription.

Native ads are ads that are skillfully built into the news feed. According to Adsterra statistics, the click-through rate is 8 times higher than classic display ads. This placement adapts to the content of the site and allows you to bypass blockers like AdBlock. The format is suitable for games, dating, gambling, financial topics and push subscriptions.

VAST pre-roll video – a 10-second advertisement before the video is shown on the site. Effective for brand awareness. Supports VAST/VPAID, hosting your promos is also available. Suitable topics: games, gambling, dating, e-commerce, finance.

Banners – banner placement in popular sizes. Classic and still working format. It has a low price, it is optimal for: games, dating, software and subscriptions. Available sizes: 160×300, 160×600, 300×250, 320×50, 468×60, 728×90, 800×440.

Social Bar is Adsterra’s unique advertising format, which is a new generation of interactive push notifications. It includes both exclusive and redesigned In-Page Push, Chat, Survey, and Video Bars and Banners ad types that offer ad customization options.

Conclusion. Adsterra is an advertising network that is in demand all over the world. In addition to being great for most verticals and pay-per-traffic models, Adsterra is rich in innovative ad formats, which we covered in our post. It is also a popular platform that is used by a huge number of people, which inspires confidence. Also, a personal manager and a huge number of geos are one of the key advantages of Adsterra.