Can Google Ad Manager help you objectively analyze your ad traffic?

Google Ad Manager is an ad exchange platform introduced by Google on June 27, 2018. Google Ads replaces the usual Google AdWords. The new tool combines the full range of advertiser features currently available on and other company sites, as well as partner sites and apps.
It should help marketers find access to millions of people who search for something, watch YouTube, explore Google Maps or Google Play, or even surf the Internet for free. They use Google’s machine learning technologies to deliver results without constant oversight by the advertiser. Under the new unified Google Marketing Platform brand, the company has combined DoubleClick and Google Analytics 360, reportedly in response to a request from marketers who wanted to work simultaneously with advertising and analytics technologies to better understand customers and improve business results.
Since the rebrand in 2018, Google has made several changes to the interface to make it more user-friendly. These changes are expected to continue as Google updates its products and services.
Inventory: This stores information about all ad units available on the publisher’s property (including websites, mobile devices, and apps) for sale. In addition, inventory can be grouped into categories so advertisers can target them.
Shipping: This is where you create/update orders and line items from advertisers. A line item stores information related to a deal between a publisher and an advertiser, including information about the ad (size, format, placement), deal type, CPM, deal period, and more.
Reporting: You can create customized reports by simply selecting datasets. GAM also has predefined report templates that can be used to create/schedule reports as required.
Administrator: Here you can manage your account, add/remove users and assign specific access points for them to use.
Therefore, we believe that the main plus is that this platform works with small businesses and for free. Designed for SMBs, the free version of Google Ad Manager allows you to serve up to 150 million non-video ad units per month in most countries. It also provides access to a decent number of features, including API access, and a limited number of reports, including active view impressions, history, reach, and standard or extended delivery.
The second main plus, we consider detailed targeting. Google Ad Manager also gives you more granular control over who can see ads and what types of ads you want to show on your site. You are probably used to targeting mobile users. With Google Ad Manager, you can target very small subgroups, such as Firefox users using version 40.0 and above.
Other targeting options include:
- User device including phone, tablet, smartphone and connected TV
- Browsers, including versions and “unknowns”
- Device manufacturer including Apple, BlackBerry, Ericsson, HTC, etc.
- Language
- Operating system
- Internet connection or mobile operator
- Geographical position
In the process of working with Google Ad Manager, we can appreciate the detailed reporting, a huge and reliable ad tracking tool. Understanding the data you have is critical to creating compelling ads that generate revenue. Google Ad Manager, formerly known as “queries”, provides access to a wide range of report types, including templates that make it easy to create reports based on shared data. It is this platform that we believe gives the full tool, and what we have noticed, this is the viewable impression metric, is the biggest advantage. Active View viewable impression – number of impressions on the site that were viewable out of all measurable impressions. A display ad is counted as viewable if at least 50% of its area was displayed on screen for at least one second (the minimum criteria according to IAB measurement standards).
Would you like to provide instructions on how to set up ads in Google Ad Manager?
- Google Ad Manager, formerly DoubleClick for Publishers, allows advertisers to easily manage the buying and selling of ads across multiple exchanges and third-party networks. If you run ads across multiple platforms and want to get higher returns, Google Ad Manager can be a great solution for your business.
- Keep in mind that you will need a Google account and a Google AdSense account to access Google Ad Manager.
- Create a Google account if you don’t already have one.
- Create a Google AdSense account if you don’t already have one. Make sure it’s active if you haven’t used your Google AdSense account recently.
- (You do not need to actively use Google Adsense, but you must have an account.)
- Go to .
- Click “Create an account” and answer a few questions about your business.
- Check your network settings. After creating an order, you will not be able to change your time zone and currency.
- To do this, go to Administrator, Global Settings, Network Settings.
- Now you can create an inventory structure and start running ads.
As a result, summing up all of the above, there are pluses and they are significant, which is attractive to all advertisers. But in practice, we encountered such a problem as we could not start a publisher, since Google support itself considered it not large enough. Moreover, new objective traffic analysis models are very important for building a profitable promotion strategy, and it is Google Ad Manager that copes with this brilliantly, which cannot but influence the decision to cooperate with this particular platform.