How can you use Similarweb to stay ahead of your competitors?

SimilarWeb is a tool that estimates the total amount of traffic different websites get. It allows you to see competitors’ top traffic sources, broken down into major categories such as referring sites, social traffic, and top search keywords.
To put it briefly, this service is used most often for competitive intelligence, especially when you need to know traffic and interest by effort, which is beneficial for creating a successful strategy! This provider was established in 2007 in Tel Aviv and has headquarters in New York, Tel Aviv and Kyiv.
The main reasons for using this provider is that it can rank websites based on traffic and engagement metrics. Also ranking is calculated based on the collected datasets and updated monthly with new data. Moreover, Similarweb not only ranks sites like Amazon, but also ranks apps in the App Store and Google Play Store based on installs and active users.
Similarweb has had some pretty impressive clients including Google, Amazon, Walmart,, Adobe, Adidas and The Economist.
Why should we use such providers and web analytics in general? Web analytics is an essential component of business intelligence, competitive analysis, website benchmarking, online advertising, online marketing, and digital marketing. Business decisions are made based on website traffic metrics obtained from web analytics services such as Similarweb. Providers monitor the inbound and outbound traffic of their sites to identify popular pages, identify user interests, and keep abreast of new trends.
On the site we found different services:
That is, this analytics platform offers us some areas to explore:
- Digital Research
- Sales Intelligence
- Digital Marketing
- Information for investors
- Buyer Intelligence
Similarweb handles massive datasets including website visits, traffic volumes, sources, geographic distribution, audience metrics just to name a few.
Also some data about the success of the company:
Many people ask whether this platform provides safe and reliable dates? In order to understand this, you need to analyze the sources where the information comes from:
- Direct own data
- External data providers
- Partner networks
- Public data
Mentioned all these sources, we can say that the data is quite real and reliable. It is used by many famous names, which increases its authority and recognition.
The only negative that we found important is the poor functionality for the trial period and the cost of services is much higher than in similar providers. Similarweb is the perfect tool for companies that want to track their website traffic and user interaction. If you have just such a task, then this platform will help you solve it effectively, on the data of which you can rely. It is also important that they provide a wide range of services that will be convenient for a beginner, and besides, the interface is clear.