We predicted the demand for the goods, now the CPQL is $0.18!

Our favorite e-commerce cases! Today, e-commerce includes the electronic purchase or sale of goods through online services or via the Internet, mobile commerce, electronic funds transfers, supply chain management, etc.
But today we want to show how correctly the client predicted the demand for a product that broke all records!
With the growth of digitalization and the massive transition to online, e-commerce has become a driver of key changes in the global economy. Access to e-commerce today is possible from any smart device: by April 2022, there were 5 billion unique Internet users in the world, which is 63% of the world’s population.
Tasks from the KPI client:
- Increase the number of leads for all types of products;
- Reduce the cost per lead for all types of products.
For manufacturers, distributors and retailers, the correct demand forecast is extremely important – it allows you to estimate the required volume of supply and schedule deliveries.
Factors affecting demand:
- price;
- usefulness and necessity of the goods;
- number of buyers;
- expectations of price changes;
- income level of the population;
- availability of goods on the market;
- offer of alternative goods and their prices;
- fashion;
We launched advertising on the Recreativ advertising platform. Recreativ with native advertising is advertising that has a natural look among non-advertising content, organically fits into the design of the page, meets its content and audience expectations.
More about native web in our article https://blog.scroogefrog.com/2020/06/rekreativ/
Benefits of native advertising Recreativ:
- Breaks banner blindness. Native content is noticed by 60% of users.
- Has more confidence and does not cause irritation.
- Thanks to smart algorithms, the network delivers your promotional materials exactly where they will be relevant and useful to your audience. Recreativ algorithms select the most relevant sites with high traffic.
- Suitable for promoting almost any product or service.
Examples of ad creatives:
The situation with the demand for solar panels was affected by the situation with the shortage of electricity in Ukraine. Everything is quite simple – no electricity = demand for alternative sources of electricity! But let’s all analyze the situation with the help of data.
Conversion in this case is when a person left a request on the site and confirmed the delivery to the manager who called him back.
The first month sales of solar panels is July 2022 and we compared 4 other products with solar panels when the demand was not so clear.
The last solar sales month is October 2022 and we compared 4 other solar panel products when demand was high due to power shortages.
We see that sales of solar panels were not in the first place among other products.
Now the situation has changed and solar panels have entered the top sales!
The CPQL (Cost Per Qualified Lead) in the first and last month decreased by half!
Conclusion. In the end, we want to note that in addition to Recreativ, advertising was also carried out in MGID, Adpartner and Redtram and the trend was similar everywhere. This article is not about market trends, but about the fact that one product can make 90% of the monthly turnover. It is important to understand that in such a vertical as e-commerce, it is not the quantity of goods that decides, but the correct choice of goods, because our client predicted the demand in advance and received excellent results with a CPQL (Cost Per Qualified Lead) of $0.18!