Forex vertical that is constantly banned! There is a solution – trust Facebook agency accounts, let’s break down a case from ScroogeFrog!

The case is related to the Forex vertical. At first glance, using Facebook (Meta Ads) for Forex brokers may not be very advantageous. This is because the social network tightens its advertising rules annually. For example, before running an ad, the system checks the account, ads, ad links, payment methods, text, images, and even the overall consistency of all these elements. Advertising on financial topics is viewed with great caution by the social network. Therefore, generating traffic from Facebook is not that simple.
The most common reasons for bans on Facebook are as follows:
1. Name on the bank card differs from the name on Facebook;
2. Using someone else’s card or a card on the “Blacklist”;
3. Using a bank card from another country;
4. Unsuccessful attempts to withdraw funds from the card;
5. Constantly changing social media accounts on the same browser;
6. Logging into your account from different countries/cities (different IP address/VPN);
7. Sudden increase in ad spending;
8. Inactivity for an extended period;
9. Adding people with banned accounts (Black-list) to your account;
10. Hacked/botted accounts;
11. Advertising prohibited materials;
12. Violation of someone’s copyright;
13. Complaints about the ads;
14. Using previously blocked creatives;
15. Inconsistency between the ad and the landing page;
16. Using prohibited scripts on the page;
17. Redirecting users to another site from yours;
18. Low customer feedback ratings.
Also, it’s important to be mindful of your ad creatives! Therefore, the use of the following words in Facebook ads is prohibited by community rules:
– profit
– income
– earnings
– benefit
– work
– finances
Derivatives of these words are also prohibited.
Usually, following all the rules does not guarantee protection from a ban. That’s why Chinese Meta ASP accounts, such as those used by our agency ScroogeFrog, are popular because:
– There are no spending limits;
– There is no risk of a ban due to billing (billing from Meta ASP);
– High trust in the account;
– Low risk of an instant ban for creatives;
– Offers through cloaking are allowed;
– High likelihood of unlocking through appeal;
– Support from Meta representatives.
Moreover, we would like to demonstrate a successful case/comprehensive step-by-step guide! Let’s take a look at a Chinese account and examine the activity over the last 6 months. They have light creatives (in compliance with Facebook policies), strong Business Managers, social accounts, Fan Pages (long-established, farmed, with a large number of subscribers), and a well-rated app on the Apple Store. Additionally, they spend $4,000 per month, which builds trust with Facebook, and the accounts have been operational for over half a year.
This is what the Fan Page looks like:

Statistics from the advertising account for the last 6 months:

Correct and light advertising creatives on the Facebook:
In summary, a strong advertising account is crucial because it allows you to spend significant amounts for an extended period without getting banned. Here are the main recommendations from ScroogeFrog agency:
– Gambling/Nutra/Adult, etc. are prohibited themes, so creative, text, and fan pages related to these themes need to be softened/masked in the eyes of Facebook.
– Using reused creatives from spays and cases leads to a 100% ban. The AI has seen them, and you’ll get blocked 5-10 times faster with similar creatives.
– Domains and websites must be unique for each new account.
– Setting up the Business Manager. For media buyers, it’s not news that a verified and fully filled out Business Manager lasts longer. It’s essential to follow this rule if your goal is to continue to send traffic for a long time.
– Fan Pages provided by the provider must be set up according to the requirements mentioned above.
– Avoid spammy uploads. A large number of ad copies, ad sets, and creatives are a path to a guaranteed ban.
Our agency accounts are reliable, they are not banned in 90% of cases, you will be able to undergo moderation quickly! Even If the account is blocked, you can request a refund and transfer money to another account!